Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Scraping November for Joy

Ruts. Rabbit holes.  Short cold gloomy days. Long nights.
Attempting to find the lighter side of November for me is akin to finding the good in Hitler Or Trump.
Trump I can find a boatload of humor in. Hitler not so much.

I have tried to force a gladness the last two weeks. I get up with hope and go looking for the fun and funny side of these short gray days, but nada. Zilch.

November is February without Valentines Day.

December I can get along with. A month of family, food, presents, get together s and nice meals and outings. January is still part of that equation with New Years, New hopes, New goals...then the slide into the long and cold without the reverie. March has the promise and hopes of spring and even the occasional mild day to BBQ without fear of frostbite.

September and October have the colours of autumn and football!

Then we hit the off switch on the joy button and sink into November.

I will work on me before I sink like the Edmund Fitzgerald did when the "Skies of November turned gloomy"



Thursday, August 30, 2018

Fuck it and Breathe

"The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get back up... And fight for what you believe in?"
Author Unknown

In short, I am ready to pick myself up, dust myself off and fight. I believe that my life is worth living and I'm ready to start fighting for it. I'm ready to start dealing with things in a way that is healthy and in which I take my power and my voice, back!
Tinnitus sucks!!
The roars, the bells, the gongs, the monks chanting, the orchestral versions of  some National anthems to full arrangements of  Beatles songs for fucks sake. Whats up with that?

So today, the second last day of August. Two days before my unofficial new year starts (always loved September and still refer to it as first Month of a new year) I will launch my latest software upgrade that features ONE APP only. This App has life changing, mind altering, earth shattering features. 
I stole the name for  app idea and have no shame for using the name that rightfully should be credited to Michael J Fox.
Drum roll please..................................
Thrive Global interviewer: What’s your secret life hack? 
MJF: Fuck it and breathe.

My new life hack, secret app, software upgrade....fuck it...my new and forever going forward (never backward) mantra will be: